Plane Equation

Related Topics: Line Equation, Matrix


Graph of a plane in 3D
Graph of a plane in 3D

The equation of a plane in 3D space is defined with normal vector (perpendicular to the plane) and a known point on the plane.

Let the normal vector of a plane, normal vector and the known point on the plane, P1. And, let any point on the plane as P.

We can define a vector connecting from P1 to P, which is lying on the plane.
vector on a plane

Since the vector vector on a plane and the normal vector normal vector are perpendicular each other, the dot product of two vector should be 0.
line equation as dot product

This dot product of the normal vector and a vector on the plane becomes the equation of the plane. By calculating the dot product, we get;
equation of a plane

If we substitute the constant terms to constant term of plane equation, then the plane equation becomes simpler;
equation of a plane

Distance from Origin

If the normal vector is normalized (unit length), then the constant term of the plane equation, d becomes the distance from the origin.

Plane with unit normal
Plane with unit normal

If the unit normal vector (a1, b1, c1), then, the point P1 on the plane becomes (Da1, Db1, Dc1), where D is the distance from the origin. The equation of the plane can be rewritten with the unit vector and the point on the plane in order to show the distance D is the constant term of the equation;


Therefore, we can find the distance from the origin by dividing the standard plane equation by the length (norm) of the normal vector (normalizing the plane equation). For example, the distance from the origin for the following plane equation with normal (1, 2, 2) is 2;
distance from origin

Distance from a Point

Distance between Plane and Point
Distance between Plane and Point

The shortest distance from an arbitrary point P2 to a plane can be calculated by the dot product of two vectors normal vector and , projecting the vector to the normal vector normal vector of the plane.

The distance D between a plane equation of a plane and a point P2 becomes;
  distance from a point

The numerator part of the above equation, is expanded;

Finally, we put it to the previous equation to complete the distance formula;
distance between plane and point

Note that the distance formula looks like inserting P2 into the plane equation, then dividing by the length of the normal vector. For example, the distance from a point (-1, -2, -3) to a plane x + 2y + 2z - 6 = 0 is;

Notice this distance is signed; can be negative value. It is useful to determine the direction of the point. For example, if the distance is positive, the point is in the same side where the normal is pointing to. And, a negative distance means the point is in opposite side.

Intersection of 3 Planes

Before finding the intersection of 2 planes, we discuss finding the intersection of 3 planes first. This formular will be used for 2-plane intersection.

Intersection of 3 planes at a point
Intersecting 3 planes at a point

There are various ways to intersect 3 planes, but we will look into only special case; intersecting 3 planes at a point. In order to find the intersection point P (x, y, z), we solve the linear system of 3 planes.
Linear System of 3 Planes

Or, in matrix form;
Matrix form of plane equations

Therefore, solving the linear system is finding the inverse matrix.

intersection point of 3 planes

Let the 3x3 matrix A, and the intesection point is computed by Cramer's rule;
solution for intersection point of 3 planes

where the determinants are;
determinant A

Let's calculate determinant A first.
determinant A of 3x3 matrix

Notice that the determinant can be expressed as vector notation (cross product and inner product) to simplify the equation. In order to intersect at a point (having only 1 solution), the determinant must be not zero;

In a similar way, other determintants can be found;

Therefore, the intersection of the point, P (x, y, z) is;

And, P (x, y, z) can be written in matrix form;
solution for intersection of 3 planes in matrix form

Or, it can be expressed in simpler vector form as well;
solution for intersection of 3 planes

Intersection of 2 Planes

Intersection of 2 planes
Intersection of 2 planes produces a line

When 2 planes are intersected, it produces a line. A line equation can be expressed with its direction vector and a point on the line;
line equation

The direction vector of the line is perpendicular to both normal vectors and , so it is cross product of them;
direction vector of a line

Now, find any point on the line using the formula in the previous section for the intersection of 3 planes by adding a third plane. We can pick the simplest plane, which the normal of the plane is and it passes through the origin, . Therefore, the third plane equation becomes or .

Then, solve the linear system of 3 planes using the above formula;

Once the point on the line is found, we can finally construct the line equation as; line equation.

Here is C++ implementation to find the intersection line of 2 planes. Please see Plane.cpp for more detail.

// dependency: Vector3, Line, Plane
struct Vector3
    float x;
    float y;
    float z;

class Line
    Vector3 direction;                 // v
    Vector3 point;                     // p

class Plane
    Vector3 normal;                    // (a, b, c)
    Vector3 d;                         // constant term: d = -(a*x0 + b*y0 + c*z0)

Line intersect(Plane& plane1, Plane& plane2)
    Vector3 n1 = plane1.normal;
    Vector3 n2 = plane2.normal;
    float d1 = plane1.d;
    float d2 = plane2.d;

    // find direction vector of the intersection line
    Vector3 v = n1.cross(n2);                   // cross product

    // if |direction| = 0, 2 planes are parallel (no intersect)
    // return a line with NaN
    if(v.x == 0 && v.y == 0 && v.z == 0)
        return Line(Vector3(NAN, NAN, NAN), Vector3(NAN, NAN, NAN));

    // find a point on the line, which is also on both planes
    // choose simplest plane where d=0: ax + by + cz = 0
    float dot =;                       // V dot V
    Vector3 u1 =  d2 * n1;                      // d2 * N1
    Vector3 u2 = -d1 * n2;                      //-d1 * N2
    Vector3 p = (u1 + u2).cross(v) / dot;       // (d2*N1-d1*N2) X V / V dot V

    return Line(v, p);

Intersection of Plane and Line

A plane and a line can meet at a point. The point of intersection is solving a linear system of a plane and a line;
linear system of plane and line

Solving the linear system for t;
solution of intersection of plane and line

Check the detail explanation of how to derive the solution in the line equation page. It also provides C++ code snippet and an interactive demo.

Example: Intersection line of 2 Planes (Interactive Demo)

The following interactive demo is finding the intersection line from 2 planes in 3D. Use left mouse button to rotate the view, and right button to zoom in and out. It requires WebGL enabled browsers.

Plane 1 ax + by + cz + d = 0
Plane 2 ax + by + cz + d = 0
Intersection Line undefined

You can download C++ version

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